Who You Tryin' To Be?

My friends, someone just asked me a fascinating question and I want to share it with you. 

They said to me...

"So Sean, are you trying to be like Tony Robbins or something?"

In a very sarcastic tone, mind you.

You know what? For you to even compare me or for you to put me in the same light or the same category or to put my name in his name in the same sentence is flattering and it's an honor. 

If in my "trying to be like him" you mean am I trying to help tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people have a global reach, make tens of millions of dollars a year getting paid well for your messages, if by trying to be like Tony Robbins you mean having the heads of global corporations and world leaders pay you for your time, and your service, and your inspiration, and your guidance, and your thought and your motivation, then the answer to your question, my friends, is yes.

You see your friends don't play big, which is why they say to you, "What are you trying to be like, the next freaking Apple computer guy? Are you trying to be like the next big custom house builder guy? Are you trying to be like the next dude who's going to invent the fastest car in the world guy or something?" 

Simple answer to your friends is, yeah, I am. 

See, it's not my fault that you have a small mind. 

It's not my fault that you have a small desire for life. 

It's not my fault that you have a limited capacity for expansion. 

My friends, it's not your fault that you want to play big. 

It's not your fault that you have people that don't want to see you succeed. 

It's not your fault that people don't want to expand their brains the way that you want to expand your brain.

What I'd have you consider for a second is you should get rid of those people. 

You should get rid of those people and you should surround yourself with people that say...

"Yeah, I'd love to be like Tony Robbins."

"I would love to sell millions and millions and millions of books."

"I would love to help change the world."

"I would love to invent the new gizmo in the new gadget."

"I would love to be that guy."

Most of the world thinks small.

Most of the world has a small intellect.

I can't think the way that you and I might think. 

My friends, do not apologize for who you are. 

Do not apologize for the grand visions that you have and for the opportunities that you want to seize, and sure as hell do not apologize for who the hell you are. 

My friends, go big, do you, and let the small-minded people wallow together in their own small mindedness. 

My friends, God bless America.

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